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ActivForce Dev Diaries #4

ActivForce Dev Diaries #4

With the full team back after the holidays refreshed and ready for action, we made a good start to 2025. Here are a few highlights from design to development:

ActivForce Dashboard

UI Design Update

  • Updated dashboard design, consistent with mobile app, is in QA.
  • Expected to release alongside the new app.

Firmware Updates

  • We’re finally letting go, and removing legacy characteristics from the early Activ5 devices.
  • This will streamline the platform to support the latest system updates and functionality.

Show Tests for a Patient

  • Introducing a feature to track patient progress over time.
  • First iteration will show graphs for a single patient; to be expanded into graphs and detailed analysis tools in future versions.


ActivForce Mobile App

UI & UX Review (iOS)

  • The updated iOS design is undergoing a thorough review to ensure the branding and user experience meet expectations.

If we get the green light, we’ll start preparing for the public release.

Create Test Sequences (iOS)

  • We’re beginning the test sequence development phase for the app — a complex process involving several features.


Excitement is building as we’re refining features and aligning designs — the whole team is confident in the new system’s capabilities, and can’t wait to see it in clinical action soon.


Stay tuned for more updates,

- M (Head of Development)